Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dinner Time

Most night I cook dinner but, tonight I just didn't really feel like it. I know, I know.. Mom's don't usually get a night off from those things but, tonight everyone was OK with that! :) Wayne ate random things which is normal lol and Eden had leftovers from Sunday family lunch! Edison had banana's and loved every single bite of it! It takes him about 10 minutes to eat a small jar of food, mostly because he spits most of it out each bite and I have to catch it and re-feed it to him! Ha ha!
On a side note, his Bumbo seat is really really working out great for his feedings. We also have the tray that fits on it and will surely need to get that out soon! :)
And as for me, I had a garden salad with ranch dressing and a vitamin water! It was oh so yummy and refreshing after such a hot day!

Dinner time is usually when Wayne and I get to do most of our talking for the day! And today, like all others, we had lots to talk about! The Casey Anthony verdict! I anxiously found out the verdict while at work today along with some co-workers of mine! We were all at a loss for words, but here is what I feel about it:
Wayne and I have kept an open mind during this whole trial coverage and tried to look at it from all angles. But, no matter what way you look at this case, there is nothing that absolutely incriminates Casey Anthony of this crime and we really don't know what actually happened! And before you think this, I will say it, Yes.. I do believe that she had something to do with her daughters death whether is was directly or indirectly and it was wrong what actions she took after that babies death, but... I feel the prosecution just did a poor job of proving with out a shadow of a doubt that she did this crime. It was very hard for me as a mother to not just look at her in shame, but I didn't. I looked at her as someone who is very troubled and needs prayer. I prayed for her and that sweet baby a lot in the past and will continue to do so! I personally feel that the jury did and didn't do the right thing.. and Wayne agrees! I feel that there was probably someone in that jury room who felt she was guilty and should have spoken up. Then, there would have been a hung jury and the prosecution would have had more time to get more evidence and maybe be able to prove she did have something more to do with her daughters death! But regardless, it's not over for Casey! She will ultimately have to face our God and explain to him what happened! I know that he already knows and has that angel Caylee with him, but she will be held accountable for her actions, no matter how small or big they were! Wayne and I know that it makes us hold our babies just a little tighter each night, with all of this going on. I love our dinner time talks and pray that tomorrow is can be on a more pleasurable topic but.. ya know.. it's the simple things I love about my evenings! Dinner time!

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