Friday, May 27, 2011

Eden's 1st Grade Year

This school year started out with lots of exciting things for Eden(and us too)! First, she got to move into her new house and new room! She did so great decorating and keeping her room clean. And to this day she still takes pride in making her bed and trying to keep her room clean! That's so great to me! Next, she got put into GT classes. I cried when I learned of this news! Every parent knows their children are smart and do the best they can in school, but for someone else to tell you that.. it just makes you so proud. I was nervous about this too because I was in GT in school and I remembered how hard it was and how much parent involvement that it required. But, I was up for it! I wanted to give Eden the best chance she could to succeed educationally! Also, Eden was going to be a big sister! We found out what we were having around 16 weeks and Eden got to be there. Just Wayne, Eden, and I went into the room first and let the ultrasound tech find the private area. Once she found it, We told Eden to go get our family and tell them to come in. Once they all came in, Eden got to be the one who shared the new! "It's a BOY!" We were overcome with emotion and so was she. She wanted a brother so bad. That memory will forever be so special to Wayne and I. She was so proud to get to announce that! :)

Education wise Eden did amazing this year. She read every night and studied daily for test. She made ALL A's all year except for once! But regardless, Wayne and I were so proud of her for that! She truely takes pride in doing good. She really beats herself up when she makes a bad grade! I know she gets that from me, but I always try to tell her that as long as she does her absolute best, Daddy and I will be proud of you. Her teacher and classmates this year were so great! She made some wonderful friends that I hope she gets to stay in class with through school. Also, Mrs. Godeaux was great. Eden loves her and she has been amazing with Eden. Eden wears glasses and so does Mrs. Godeaux. Eden has struggled with keeping up with them and keeping them safe from damage and Mrs. Godeaux had really aided her with that and I can't thank her enough!

Last, Eden's Brother was born 3/8/11! That day was hard for her in so many ways. She had to see mommy go through so much that she didn't understand. She was so compassionate to me through the day though. She would come hold my hand or kiss my cheek through contractions. I often worried about her seeing me in such agony but she handled it great and we had had many many conversations about what would go on the day Edison was born. When the time came for him to come into the world, Eden couldn't be in there, but she waited patiently with my Mom and sister! I only wish I could have been there to see her sweet face the 1st time she saw him. But what I did get to see after recovery, she was amazed! Something so small that came out of mommy that looked like me! :) Shes almost 8, so she understands a lot and is quite scary how she thinks about things and puts them together, but I believe she truely couldn't explain how she felt when she got to hold her brother the first time. She was so happy!

I thank God each day for forever changing my life when he gave Eden to Wayne and I on 9/19/03. She is a remarkable child with so many talents that will take her so far in life. You know, You often do not have your dreams come true, But with her, mine have! She is everything and more that I could ask for in a daughter and I am so proud to be her mommy, forever! <3

Monday, May 23, 2011


Normally when I am stressed I turn to God for his guidance and wisdom! Or.. I talk to my husband and we problem solve to try to take the stress away, whatever it may be. But.. lately.. I have just been keeping it all inside. I mostly feel selfish telling others about my struggles because I know that everyone has problems and fears and are dealing with it too. But, it just gets to a point where I have to let go. And that happened this morning.

I was here with just Edison and he was napping. I starting thinking about things in my head that needed to be paid and done and what all was coming up and just the stresses of life right now and I just started sobbing! The Mom and provider side of me started panicking. I was trying to think of things to sell or do to relive the financial side of my stress and then trying to organize my thoughts onto paper to try and sort it all out and I started sobbing more. I was supposed to go shopping with my Mom this morning which would normally make me so happy.. But the thought of spending precious money right now made me literally sick. And.. if you know me.. when I am stressed.. I clean. I started cleaning.. I cleaned my fridge out top to bottom.. I clean my washer and dryer inside and out.. and then started laundry that really didn't need to be done right away and then I cleaned out the inside of my dishwasher.. I was just going 90 to nothing! I finally stopped for a second a realized.. none of this is going to help with my stress, it was really adding to it.

The only thing that puts me slightly at peace is knowing that God is right here with me. I may not know what the next few months will bring us with my husbands job hunt or the refinancing of our house.. But I do know.. God will be right there with me and holding my hand. God may not be able to give me money or 10 minutes to take a shower.. but he can give me peace and faith. Which I need both so very much! Life is often so stressful it takes over us.. consumes us.. but stopping just for a moment and focusing on Him and what is really most important can wash away that stress in a moment. I sit here now.. calm.. with my washing machine and dishwasher running, looking at my son beside me smiling away at his toys on his bouncer.. and I realize.. All is ok.. and at the end of the day.. I do have what I need. And what I want, well that isn't a priority! Serving my God and taking care of my family.. that is where I am needed and that makes me happy! :)

Thursday, May 19, 2011

My Husband...

I love my Husband so very much! He does so much for our family that often goes un-noticed or not acknowledged. But.. Honey.. I do notice and I do appreciate it more than you will ever know! You are a wonderful husband, father, and most important Christian! As a teacher, You are a wonderful role model for your students and I know that they see that and respect you for it! Thank you for my babies. They are such a wonderful gift from God and a constant reminder of our love and amazing marriage! Thank you for marrying me.. It was a long road to that point, but the best feeling ever when I said I DO, forever! Plus. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen. I fall more and more in love with you every single day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Coupon Madness

Like most people who have been watching the TLC show "Extreme Couponing" we have decided to try to do this. Wayne and I started this past weekend. We got 7 papers and cut out almost 200 coupons.. wow! The hardest part of it is trying to link together the sales with the coupons that you have! Thank GOD there are some wed sites that do this for you.. ahhh! :) It has been hard for us to get started because a lot of the sales, you need coupons that came out in past sales adds and well.. we just started. So.. Hopefully we will get good at this and be able to save more of the money God provides us with! :) I don't plan on going nuts with it.. but if there are good sales on things I don't need or use.. I will get it and donate it or give it to our church to provide it to others in need! I will update more when we go on our 1st coupon saving trip! :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Just unthinkable..

A few months ago I saw on a old friends facebook post to pray for a Vidor couples baby! He had been diagnosed during an ultrasound with anencephaly. It is a condition where the baby doesn't develop most of his skull and brain! This broke my heart.. I was pregnant at the time and couldn't imagine being told something was morbidly wrong with my unborn infant! As time went on, I thought about that family periodically and prayed for God to be with them during all of this. I, of course had Edison and knew that that family would shortly after me, being having their baby! I had done some research and saw that most often that baby doesn't live very long after birth and just couldn't think of what they could be thinking and how they are preparing themselves. Through the wonderful Facebook I learned that they had had baby "Thomas" on 4/29! I rejoiced in the birth, but was deeply saddened by what was emanate for that family and sweet baby! I began to think. Think hard. God.. I know you do things for a reason and I do not question your will, but please try to help that family understand why you chose them for this experience! Help them to see what you were trying to show them, help everyone see! I still don't know why.. and they may not either.. but I know just from seeing all of this unfold from afar.. that God is amazing! He let that tiny angel live for 40 something hours. His parents got to be with him for almost 2 days and most babies with that condition don't live but minutes! Wow.. One of their friends who is a photographer has been there taking pictures through all of that and she posted a slide show of the few days events! It is truely breath taking! I decided, stupidly, to watch it this morning while getting ready for work. Like I said, STUPID! 10 seconds into it I was sobbing uncontrollably.. Here I was looking at my healthy infant laying next to me and felt almost guilty! I can't explain the emotions I felt! After a few short minutes of watching the 10 minute slide show, I had to pause it. ALL of my makeup was in puddles on my keyboard! I had only thought I could imagine their pain.. but seeing their pain through pictures was heartbreaking and unthinkable! I thought about this all day.. It makes me thank God for what I have been given. No matter how small the gift may be to me.. but to someone else.. that small gift could be everything!

Here is a link to the photographers facebook and then from there you can find her slideshow of baby Thomas:!/hautephotography

That Smile.. Melts my heart

I see a lot of people smile each day. I see it as a kind gesture, or a warm hello. In fact, I thank God that people actually smile back at me when I smile at them.. I don't feel as silly for being so friendly! I get lots of smiles from strangers when with Edison and Eden! Everyone loves a baby and well.. not to brag.. but my kids are quite gorgeous! :) But, there is no other feeling like it when your child smiles at you! I still love when I go pick Eden up from school and when she sees me standing there waiting on her, she smiles so big and runs to me! It makes me so so happy! Edison starting smiling about a month ago, but is now doing it enough that I can actually capture it on camera kinda on demand! He has the biggest dimples and love to see them when he smiles. :)