Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So behind...

I, which I am aware that this is not normal, worry everyday about getting up to date with our pictures. I take a lot of pictures(when my camera isn't lost) and try to make sure that I have pictures for each month of Edison and Eden's lives. Also, I like to have family pictures taken yearly and frame that and hang in our home. We had those pictures taken in April, and I still do not have that done. THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY! Also, I decided with Edison I would make photo books for him on Shutterfly! I think I will do a pregnancy one and a Edison's birth to 6 month one. Now, the hard part of this all is finding the time. I need to transfer pictures from our old computer onto the new computer and that task alone seems super daunting. I also want to take some fall/winter pictures this year and use one of those for our Christmas card. I always do those super easily by just picking a picture and going onto and picking a photo card and having walgreens print them and go pick them up. SUPER EASY. I just need to get those pictures taken... AHH! Again, I have no time. I don't want to get really behind on this and I feel pictures are so important. I think I am blogging about this to remind myself frequently to do it. Alana... GET YOUR BOOTY IN GEAR... :)

1 comment:

  1. if it wasn't for blogging I'd feel so lost
    I bet you're doing better than you think you are :)
